Sunday, April 22, 2007


Spring has finally sprung here!! This is a picture of my daughter ( the driver and my sons girlfriend) My son is the one in the back ground. The girls decided that while they were riding 4 wheelers and going through the mud that they would get off and wrestle in the mud.. They were covered from head to toe... My son, the one in the back ground, was reaching for a bucket of water that was on the ground...he proceded to dump it over the top of the 2 girls right after I took the picture.. then the hose came out and the had a water fight with the hose....good thing it was 75 today.... On to the knitting front.... I know have 2 pairs of socks done and a scarf... I am now working on a vest for myself...but I have not been able to do a whole lot of knitting.. I started a new job 3 weeks ago, making a whole lot more money.. I have to say that this job is a whole new side of nursing and there is alot for me to learn.. I am liking it though.. Health wise things are good. I have not been able to do alot of spinning either.. I just don't seem to find the time..after getting the supper dishes done and laundry and all the running for sports I am wiped out and head for bed. Well speaking of bed I think that it is time.. tomorrow is another long day. work, track met, and then off to Dicks for baseball supplies for my youngest.. I will try to include some pictures of my finished work next time..

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